
(Em inglês porque foi assim que escrevi, num post sobre uma mulher da minha idade falando sobre o quanto ser gorda é um problema pra ela, e ao mesmo tempo o quanto não aguenta mais fazer dieta)


5’ and 200lbs and hate being fat. HATE IT. With that said, I also know that restrictive dieting doesn’t work long term, and the weight comes back in and gets worse (I started dieting at 16yo, I was half my current weight and thought I was fat).

I stopped trying to “love” my body from an aesthetic point of view. I admire it for what it does and I am TAKING CARE of my body as my vessel. I am exercising and keep making good diet choices, without forgetting that food is NOT fuel, food is culture, comfort, and social too.

My body goals currently are:
1) mobility
2) flexibility
3) strength
4) resistance

Everything else I gave up. I don’t want / need to be pleasant to anybody’s eyes, including mine.